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Automatic Gate

Through our automatic gate door, you don't have to give any more efforts to pass the narrow way.
The safest and most reliable door would be installed with our products in your way.

Speed Gate PSG-2000

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Speed Gate

PSG-2000 is the practical security gate for the lobby in the building. The reliability and quality has been guaranteed by the customers and its compact design is easy to make installtion and to enlarge space efficency.
Applied Solutions


  • - Bi-directional Sliding Operation
  • - High Durability (Guarantee to 5 Mil. Operation.)
  • - High-end Material for Elegant and Compact Design
  • - Smooth and Stable Operation
  • - Security Option Available for Bio-ID Detection (Face/Fingerprint)


Model PSG 2000
Dim 1,180 mm X 960 mm X 300 mm
Aisle Width 500mm ~ 600mm (Normal)
Operation Speed 40 people / minute (average), 60 people / minute (maximum)
Glass Height 1,150 mm
Control Mode Normal Close / Normal Open Support
Fire/Power Failure Open under Emergency/Passive Mode
Sensor Type 16 pairs at Max. Applicable
Actuator BLDC Motor
Material Main Body : STS 1.5T Hairline / Upper Plate : Glass / Slide Door – 12T Tempered Glass
